about me

the setup

i'm currently daily-driving a 2020 m1 macbook air and a windows desktop running WSL2. some of my favorite programs:

if you're interested in my config files, check out my dotfiles.


i'm a big fan of [...]. my top 5 Spotify artists from the last 4 weeks of listening are:

this information is stolen fetched from stats.fm in real time. you can check out my profile over there. big shout outs to Sjoerd Bolten (the creator of stats.fm).


i used to play in CTFs on the team L Distribution. some of our notable achievements:

i highly recommend trying CTFs out if you're interested in cybersecurity, puzzles, and/or coding in general. they're super fun, and i learned a fuck ton about system architecture, web security, networking, compilers, cryptography, and C from participating in CTFs.

if you wanna read some of my old shitty writeups, you can find them here lol.

vimpossible (to live without)

i'm a heavy vim user, but my config has always been kinda sketchy and pretty barebones. people freak out at me because i use the vim extension for VSCode exclusively, but i hate how ikcy default vim/nvim feel. maybe i'm just an electron shill, idk.

here's a funny clip of georgehotz using vim in vscode. i think it sums up my approach to vim (and maybe life too) pretty well.

... and more

i might add more here idk i'll have to see. maybe i'll start a blog 👀